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19 eCommerce Conversion Rate Optimization Hacks 2024: Eye-Opening Methods!

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Fail-Proof eCommerce conversion rate optimization hacks in 2024 to help you make more money with the same traffic. You can also apply my affiliate marketing hacks to boost sales even further.

With a dozen Shopify Stores and other E-commerce stores created in a calendar, it is really hard to stand out since there are already major brands like Amazon that are there to stay.

The good news is that the number of shoppers online is increasing every day.

So, that means that the e-commerce niche is not even close to saturation.

Assuming that you have the traffic, you may be missing so many sales and leaving a lot of money on the table.

If you want to increase conversions on your E-commerce store, this article will cover everything you need to know about exploding your sales with your current traffic!

Keep Reading…

This article has been contributed by Josh Wardini from It is packed actionable insights that will not only increase your ecommmerce sales online with just a few tweaks but also establish yourself as a brand with repititive customers and clients. Enjoy!

Boosting your e-commerce website’s conversion rate doesn’t have to be rocket science.

More often than not, a few simple changes to your website’s layout can make a gigantic difference and result in a substantial increase in conversions.

If you’re not seeing the sales or signups you were expecting with your website, there’s no need to call the experts in yet.

E-commerce Statistics and Facts

The Best eCommerce Conversion-Rate Optimization Hacks

1. Is Your Logo in the Right Place?

Placing your logo in the correct place on your e-commerce website is critical, especially if the brand is already well known.

If your logo is currently centred or placed on the right of your website header, you might be missing an opportunity to increase your conversion rate.

Companies like Comscore increased their conversion by almost 70% by moving the logo to the left side of the homepage. (We have done the same here)

If you’re the owner of a new company, using the correct alignment for your business logo will create brand awareness and ensure that it’s the first thing your potential customers see every time they visit your website.

2. Is Your Homepage Too Cluttered?

It’s easy to get overtaken with excitement when creating an e-commerce website for a new idea or business.

There’s so much information we want to convey to our customers, it’s sometimes difficult to decide which parts are the most important.

Ecommerce Conversiton rate Optimization Hacks - Use an Easy to navigate homepage
Amazon Home Page

Always remember: for most customers, your homepage is the start of their journey with your company.

A homepage cluttered with too much information will scare them away, but a simple one will persuade them to continue that journey to other pages on your website.

When creating your homepage, always keep the wise words of Antoine de Saint-Exupery in mind: “Perfection is achieved, not when there is nothing more to add, but when there is nothing left to take away.”

3. How Easy is it to Navigate your Website?

So, you managed to get some people to the homepage of your website, or your Shopify store, and they want to find out more about your company and your products.

Do these potential customers know how to find what they’re looking for on your website?

As with your homepage, simplicity is extremely important when it comes to website

Less is always more, but it doesn’t stop there.

There are 3 things to keep in mind when creating navigation menus for your website:
● Avoid drop-down menus. They might be confusing to your website’s visitors and
search engines don’t like them at all.
● Make sure you don’t have more than seven items on your menu. It will make your
homepage look less cluttered and it will do wonders for your site’s SEO.
● Make sure your navigation menu is mobile-friendly. To test this, you can open your
website on your mobile device. Instead of your menu, you should see the hamburger
icon (three lines) which, when tapped on, will open the navigation menu.

4. Are Your Landing Pages Short Enough?

Ecommerce Convertion Rate Optimization - Landing Pages

Most conversions won’t happen on your homepage, but rather on your landing pages.

The great thing about landing pages is that visitors to these pages are already in your target market, having been sent there by specific ads.

To ensure that you convert your landing page visitors to customers, always keep them as short as possible.

DesignBoost achieved a 13% increase in conversions on its landing pages by compressing them.

Related: The Best Landing Page Builders

5. Do You Have Too  Many Share Buttons?

Although a relationship between your e-commerce website and your company’s social platform accounts is critical, it’s important to see to it that the relationship is a healthy one.

This means using fewer social share buttons.

Having social share buttons on pages such as blogs makes sense, but having them under every product on your website can be off-putting to customers.

You will see a significant increase in conversions, just by reducing these buttons.

6. Is Your Website Responsive?

Mobile websites are stripped-down versions of regular websites, adapted for smaller screens and touchscreen navigation.

A substantial part of your customer base will navigate to your website using mobile devices, which is why having a mobile-friendly version of your website is crucial.

Covertion Rate Optimization- rsponsive Site

Tools Like BuilderAll can be used to create fully customizable, mobile-friendly stunning websites within a few clicks and without having to hire a developer.

The good news is that if you manage to keep your homepage uncluttered and simple on your regular website, that same page can be used on your mobile version.

Walmart saw a whopping 20% increase in conversions after optimizing its website for mobile users.

Read: The Best Website Builders

7. Where do you Display Promo Codes?

When you are running promotions, make sure you display the promo codes directly on your homepage.

Yes, homepage space is a precious commodity, but make sure you leave a space for banner ads specifically for promotions on certain products.

8. Do you Display trust Seals on Your Website?

A security trust seal is like music in a supermarket.

Customers don’t miss it until it’s not there.

Trust seals might seem like a small thing, but you could be losing security-conscious customers by not displaying them on your web pages.

Seeing the trusted by Clickbank seal at the top of this page you are reading right now?

It increases trust and credibility to make easy buyer decisions.

9. Should you display a video on your Homepage?

Yes, you should! Making a video the centrepiece of your homepage will do wonders for your conversion rate.

Just remember to keep the rest of your homepage simple and as easy on the eyes as possible.

It is not only applied to e-commerce but to anyone selling online services, information products, or courses.

Home Page with a Video
Click to Watch

ClickFunnels uses a highly engaging attention-grabbing actionable video to grab your attention forcefully and convince you to buy their product which in turn increases the conversion of their amazing product as they further tease you with a FREE trial.

Vidyard, an online video platform for businesses, increased its conversions by a staggering 100% by adding a video to the homepage.

10. Are your Buttons BIG Enough?

When it comes to buttons on your e-commerce website, size does matter. It’s simple: bigger buttons = more conversions.

11. How do you Display your Products?

The images you use to display your products to your customers might be making a bigger impact on your conversion rate than you think.

Well,-known companies have seen huge increases in conversion by using large, high-definition, and high-quality product images.

Just make sure that the images you use are optimally compressed because a page that takes too long to load can prove detrimental to your conversation rate.

It’s important to find the correct balance between picture quality and page size.

12. Do your Customers Know which Products are on Sale?

Ensure that products on sale stand out from the rest of your merchandise.

You don’t have to display them on your homepage, but you can make them more visible to your customers by changing text or background colours.

Small changes like these can make a world of difference.

Ecommerce conversion rate Optimization Hcaks -Use SlidesThis can be achieved by using slides showing your top-selling products or your targeted customers.

Related: Best recurring affiliate programs for lifetime commissions

13. Do you Use Personalised Pictures on your Website?

Conversion Rate Optimization HAcks _ Use Own Images

People connect with people, not businesses.

That’s why if you’re not displaying photos of yourself or your colleagues on your website, you might be missing out.

Display photos next to your contact information on your website to remind your customers that they aren’t dealing with a cold corporate entity, but with real people.

14. What Color is Your Call-to-action Button?

Because the colour red is normally used to convey feelings of alarm and danger, it is often a neglected tool when it comes to e-commerce websites.

We tend to go with more neutral or tranquil colours like greens and blues when creating call-to-action buttons, but contrary to popular belief this is not the best practice.

By changing the colour of your website’s buttons to read, it’s proven that you can increase your conversions by up to 34%.

15. Where is your call to action?

Always make sure your call-to-action is placed above the fold (this means customers can see it without having to scroll down) and on the right side of your page.

This can lead to a 36% increase in conversion rates.

16. Does Your website use a Captcha?

Avoid using Captcha on your website at all costs.

Captcha adds another step to your user’s experience and/or sign-up processes, which might cause her to drop off and decrease your conversion rates considerably.

17. Do you Display your phone number?

Ecommerce Convertion Rate Optimization - Landing Pages
See the Phone number at the Top.

Displaying one’s phone number is something that’s often overlooked in e-commerce

Adding your phone number to your contact details or your homepage can add a certain level of legitimacy to your business.

It will instil peace of mind and trust in your customers, and trusting customers are more likely to buy what you are selling.

18. Do your Customers have Enough Information About Your Products?

Shopping online is still seen as a risk by many consumers.

To get your website visitors from browsing through products to clicking on ‘add to cart,’ you need to give them ample information on those products.

Sometimes a picture, a title, and a description just aren’t enough.

There are 2 ways you can supply extra information on your products to your customers:

● Request customer ratings and reviews on your products and display that information
on your product pages.

Yes, there might be one or two negative reviews in between, but positive reviews will be a valuable source of information for your customers
when they’re deciding whether or not to buy your product.
● Creating FAQs for your products is a great way to supply more information to
potential buyers. You can even anticipate and source many of the questions that
you’re customers are burning to ask by reading through your product reviews.

19. “Hack” your Most Traffic Pages

Whether you like it or not, some of your pages will receive more traffic than the rest.

That is not a bad thing though.

Using Google Analytics, you can check which one of your pages receives massive traffic.

Go to those pages and add discounts and promotions for your products.

It works like magic every time and is guaranteed to see almost instant results.

These are only a few easy ways in which you can increase your e-commerce website’s conversion rates.

For more ideas on how to supercharge your site’s conversions see the handy infographic below.

Convertion Rate Optimization Inforgraphic

Conclusion on The Best Conversion Rate Optimization Hacks

With the number of buyers online increasing daily and projected to make over 220 Billion Dollars, It is stupid(no offence) not to venture into e-commerce.

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Thanks for checking my e-commerce optimization hacks in 2024. What is your favourite hack?

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The Leave Your Soul-sucking 9-5 Blueprint

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