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Stealth Commissions Review 2024: YouTube FREE Traffic Secret Revealed!

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Hey, and thanks for stopping by to Check My Stealth Commissions review 2024 which is a product by Ben Martin who has done affiliate marketing for years and broke the YouTube Secret code which gives him free traffic to generate sales.

Enough of the introduction. Let’s begin the Review. (That’s why you are here anyway)

Shall we? Okay, partner…

Name: Stealth CommissionsStealth Commission

Owner: Ben Martin

Price: $14.95, $27, $47

What you’ll get When you buy Stealth Commissions & This Review:

  • Who is Ben Martin?
  • Why Should you listen to Ben Martin?
  • A step-by-step video revealing the entire process
  • A matching PDF
  • All keyword research tools he uses to get buyer keywords
  • The do’s and don’ts of the YouTube checklist
  • How to get a secret list of keywords that are red hot
  • How to get Guaranteed approval to promote all of Ben Martin’s Products
  • The Secret to coming up with Video Titles that Grab attention

Who is Ben Martin?

Forget about the Famous Ben Martin. (Golfer)Ben Martin- The King of Email

I first met Ben Online after interacting with The Affiliate GodFather(Michael Cheney) of the Commission Machine. I later realized that he is a former student of Cheney. Cheney has been doing affiliate marketing since 2000. Yes, really.

He revealed some of his working strategies in his Commission Code.

Ben Martin refers to himself as the King of Email as he has been crushing affiliates in competitions. He has been making money and having $1,000+ paydays meaning he knows how he does his things. (Shared somewhere on this page in the video)


Now ready to give you the “Stealth Commissions” Secret of ranking YouTube Videos, getting FREE traffic, and making sales.

That gives you reasons to listen to him. Right?


What are Stealth Commissions?

Stealth Commission is a step-by-step video training backed up with a downloadable PDF and a checklist that shows you EXACTLY how to rank YouTube videos.

Covers coming up with Thumbnails and titles that grab attention to ensure your videos get the views it deserves and helps you make sales in return.

Inside Stealth Commissions, you’ll watch over Ben’s Shoulder as he builds a YouTube Channel from scratch where he shares his ranking formula that you can copy and start pulling automated traffic and sales that your bank account will love you.

Stealth Commission Pros Vs Cons


  • The price is affordable. Steal it!
  • Ben Martin is already successful
  • You’ll get guaranteed approval to Promote his product(if you choose to buy the $27 upsell)
  • The ranking formula is easy to copy
  • People are using this method to make $100+/day
  • Works in any niche
  • You’ll be getting targeted leads
  • The method shared is Free
  • Newbie Friendly
  • Downloadable checklists are available to refer to later
  • You can apply the methods even if you don’t want to appear on camera


  • You need to find Converting products to promote
  • I didn’t find any other at this insane price

By now, you know that Stealth commissions are a great product to help you get automated traffic and sales to fatten your pocket. Get Your Copy Now!

An Inside Look At Stealth Commissions

Stealth Commissions comprises 8 in-depth training modules covering everything you need to know about profiting from videos and looking professional from the initial stages.

If you watch my Stealth Commissions Video, will see the modules in action.

The Main Modules Include:

  • Long-tail keywords
  • Activating Your channel
  • Customizing Your YouTube Channel
  • Digging for Longtail Gold
  • Your very first video
  • Video Intros & outros
  • On-Page SEO
  • Off-page SEO
Stealth Commission Review: Training Modules
Training Modules Inside Stealth Commissions

Module 1: Longtail Keywords

In this module, Ben reveals the keyword tool he is using to find longtail keywords while creating his videos.

It covers the Basics of SEO to make it easy to understand and implement.

Module 2: Activating Your Channel

It’s time to reach the world. Let’s do this!

This module will help you create your first channel even if you are not a techie.


  • How to Activate Your Channel
  • What to Call Your Channel and Why
  • The Various Creator Studio Tabs You Need to Know

Module 3: Customizing Your YouTube Channel

Broken down into 5 parts:

  • Customizing your YouTube Channel
  • Adding social links to make you easily gather more fans
  • Optimizing your channel keywords to get relevant organic traffic from YouTube & Google
  • Unlocking your Custom channel URL and Thumbnails
  • Creating Your Channel Trailer for new visitors to your channel

Task: Have your Channel Live

Module 4: Digging for Longtail Gold

It goes into detail on why you should be using long-tail keywords.

Here is the Breakdown:

  • The real digging
  • Comprising your Keyword list
  • The alphabet soup technique
  • Spying on your competition
  • Dominating your competition

Module 5: Creating Your Very First YouTube Video

By now, you already have a channel trailer at this stage. You should start getting subscribers and getting some views on your Videos.

It’s time to start creating. Okay, Creators!


  • Get a target keyword, record the video and upload it to your channel
  • How to record your videos. (You don’t even need a camera or show your face)
  • The Software to record screen videos
  • Why consistency is the key
  • What to say in your videos

Module 6: Video Intros and Outros

These are very important and somehow ignored.

An intro gives people a reason to watch your videos by grabbing their attention with some cool animation.

On the other hand, an outro mostly should call people to action. Things like subscribing, clicking your links in the video description & more.

Module 7: On-page SEO

The ranking factors you should be knowing before you hit publish. (Used some of the tactics to get this article ranked on Google and this Video ranked on YouTube)

Divided into 5 parts:

  • On-page SEO basics
  • Descriptions, tags, playlist
  • Creating custom thumbnails
  • Renaming your captions
  • Socially sharing

Module 8: Off-Page SEO

There are some other factors that you need to know to get your video ranked.

Pro Tip: My Takeaways Off Page for your articles(additional bonuses available if you buy through my affiliate link)

  • Use external links from authority sites
  • Make your content shareable(Note the sharing buttons in this article? Give me a share please 🙂 )
  • Engage with comments
  • Make your website load faster

What Ben Shares:

  • How to get ranked more highly and faster for your target keywords
  • What is Indexing & pinging
  • Pinging sites that aid the process
  • The Google drive Hack noon is talking about

Bonus Training

At this point, you should be getting your videos in the first 3 spots and taking advantage of the FREE traffic.


  • Setting realistic expectations for yourself
  • What to expect next after your first few videos
  • Building channel authority
  • What you should do next to get the intended results


Grab Your Copy Now & get All the Modules Now

Who are Stealth Commissions for?

  • Anyone selling online
  • Someone who cannot afford to pay for paid traffic
  • Someone starting out promoting Jvzoo products
  • Advanced marketers who want to diversify their traffic sources
  • Those who hate writing but love video
  • Someone who is  looking to build loyal fans
  • Someone who wants to generate leads and make sales
  • Need direct help from someone already successful? This is for you
  • Want to get highly profitable keywords without researching yourself? Get it

Stealth Commissions Pricing

Stealth Commissions have 3 prices. $9.95, $27 & $47…

The Upsells are optional but worth it. Buy them if you think they’ll help you achieve your goals.

The Main Price($9.95)

Here is what you’ll get:

  • Training on how to get the first page of YouTube, get automatic traffic, and sales
  • The exact formula he uses to rank YouTube Videos
  • Matching PDFStealth Commission Review- Main Product
  • All Keyword research software is exposed straight into your eyes
  • How you can easily scale to $100+/ day using the formula
  • The ranking checklist includes all the do’s and don’ts of YouTube
  • Watch Ben Build a YouTube Video from Scratch

Heads up: Make sure you buy the Upsells after getting them because they are OTOs(One-time offers) You cannot buy them later.

Upsell 1: Stealth Traffic Package($27)

Here is what you’ll get:Stealth Commission Review - Traffic Package

  • Instant commissions to 5 of his offers with guaranteed approval
  • A secret list of keywords that are proven to get traffic and make sales
  • A selection of bonuses that you can give to your audience to purchase through your affiliate link(and not your competition)
  • 30 days of email consultancy with Ben to discuss your business challenges

Upsell 2: Stealth Commissions Kit($47)Stealth Commissions Review - Kit

  • Video Headline Debrief: How to come up with video titles that grab people’s attention and compel them to click, watch and buy
  • A Top secret of ranking 1st in Google that will give you a massive boost on YouTube
  • Over the shoulder Case Study of Ben using the exact method to rank


Stealth Commissions at a Glance

Name: Stealth Commission

Owner: Ben Martin

Price:$14.95, $27, $47

Where to

Category: General


My Closing Thoughts on Stealth Commissions

Getting traffic to your offers is tough. It becomes even tougher to convert the leads into sales.

It s*cks when you log in and see your affiliate accounts only to see a big zero staring at you and put make you the sad feeling that “this affiliate marketing thing” is not for you.

It’s disgusting to find a converting offer and get disapproved to promote it because the owners think you are a “thin affiliate” to make their bank accounts smile(…and yours too)

At this price($9.95), stealth Commissions are a no-brainer way to get traffic, make sales and get an opportunity to promote proven highly converting offers.

Get StealthCommissions Here and Limited Time Killer Bonuses

Thank you for checking my Stealth Commissions Review. Do you have any complaints, compliments, or questions about Stealth commissions or Any of Ben Martin’s products? Feel Free to share them in the comment threads below.

The Sky is the “Lower” Limit.

The 7-Steps to Become a successful Super Affiliate

FREE 6-Part Video Series

The Leave Your Soul-sucking 9-5 Blueprint

How To Quit Your 9-5 Job & Achieve Financial & Time FREEDOM

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