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7 Best Travel Affiliate Programs for Bloggers 2024: Make the Most of Your Travel

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Looking for the best travel affiliate programs? Search no further

Travelling is fun and relaxing.

You can run away from the stress of everyday routine either from work or home.

It will let you go to different places, learn about other cultures, and eat different cuisines.

However, travelling also means expenses.

Some travel bloggers or digital nomads document every travel they make and share them online.

Some do it for fun, but many do it for fun and money.

They search for the best affiliate programs for travel bloggers, and that is how they earn their keep.

Some travel bloggers shoulder all the expenses, while others get lucky enough to receive sponsorship.

They travel for free, with all fees paid for by their sponsor.

Do you want to learn how to earn while travelling?

We will look at different Affiliate programs for travel bloggers, which can help them make money through travelling.

Sounds interesting. Right?

Let’s Explore the Beautiful world together Elite Travellers.

Who Is a Digital Nomad?

A nomad is a wanderer, someone who goes from place to place.

This is an image showing A Digital nomad who can work from anywhere in the world

They don’t have an exact location to go and follow their whim.

A digital nomad does the same thing; they also travel from one place to another wherever their instinct takes them.

The only difference is that digital nomads use modern telecommunications technology to make money.

They are remote workers doing their jobs from different countries, public libraries, coffee shops, or anywhere else that has an internet connection.

Some successful digital nomads, like rich people and business people, have steady financial support.

Some are refugees trying to escape their country of origin, while others cannot find local employment in their area.

How to Monetize Your Travel Blogs

Some people enjoy travelling and love to share their experiences through blogging and post everything online.

Some also want to make money while moving.

How can they earn money while on the road?

Here are some tips on how you can make money from your travel blogs:

  • eBooks and Product Sales: You can write an eBook or think of a product you can sell online.
  • Sponsored Content: A lot of companies check social media sites and look for someone who can help them in promoting their products. Bloggers write a review about a product and share the link to the company’s website.
  • Freelance Writing and Content Creation: Bloggers would write articles for the client’s website and get paid per article.
  • Blog and Social Media Management: The blogger will manage a company’s blog or social media account and look after every aspect of the page.
  • Affiliate Sales: This is a commission basis payment. You post a link or product on your blog, and each time one of your readers’ purchases using the link you provided, you get a percentage from the sales.
  • Banner Ads: This one works similarly to affiliate sales, wherein they can put flashing ads on your blog. You get paid if one of your readers clicks or purchases from those ads.
  • Twitter Chat: If a company notices that you have a lot of Twitter followers, they will contact you and ask you to be the moderator of a Twitter chat that usually lasts for an hour.
  • Sponsored Social Sharing: The amount of payment for this kind of moneymaking scheme depends on the number of followers you have on your social media account. You share a brand or product on your social media account; then, the company will pay you if someone shares the product you mentioned in your blog.
  • Instagram Takeover: You will be asked by the company to post your photos on their Instagram account, and you will mention this takeover on your Instagram page. You have to interact with the followers. Payment depends on the strength of your influence online or the company’s allocated budget.
  • Brand Ambassadorship: A company will ask a blogger to use their products or services regularly and write a review. The blogger is paid every month.

Read: The Best Affiliate Marketing Hacks

Best Affiliate Programs for Travel Bloggers

Affiliate marketing is the most effective way to earn money online.

It is also one of the oldest styles of digital marketing.

You promote an online product to your readers, and you will receive a percentage from the sales when you convince them to buy it.

Below are some of the best affiliate programs for travel bloggers that you can try:

 TripAdvisor Affiliate Program

This is an Image Showing the best Affiliate programs for Trip Advisor Travel Afffiliate Program


You will write content that will mention a review or a recommendation from TripAdvisor.

Add the link so your readers are directed to it after clicking the link.

TripAdvisor usually pays a 50% commission every month.

Join Trip Advisor Affiliate Program Here

Skyscanner Affiliate Program

This is an Image Showing the best Affiliate programs for SkyScanner Travel Affiliate Program

Skyscanner recommends using their Travel Widget for your travel blogs.

You can add this widget in your content or the sidebar of your page for your readers to be redirected to their site.

Skyscanner supports hotel bookings, flight bookings, and rental cars.

Join the Skyscanner Affiliate Program Here


ShareASale is a marketplace for affiliate programs.

You will find hotels, travel airlines, and services on their site.

They pay bloggers through direct bank deposit, plus the minimum threshold for payout is more comfortable to achieve than other programs. Affiliate Program

This is an Image Showing the best Affiliate programs for Affiliate Program

This program is well-known in the travel business.

They also offer an affiliate partner program for those with a website, a travel agency, or an app.

Their sign-up process is easy and free.

They also provide deep linking, search box, and banner integration options. The minimum payout required is €100 via Paypal.

Agoda Affiliate Program

This is an Image Showing the best Affiliate programs for Agoda Travel Affiliate Program

Agoda has a lot of properties, and anyone can join their in-house affiliation as long as they have a blog or website.

Requests for membership are checked manually and may take 48 to 72 hours before you get a response.

They offer a 60% commission but need to have a minimum of $200 before you can request a payout done via direct bank transfer.

Join Agoda Affiliate Program Here

Airbnb Referral Program

A referral program is a bit different from an affiliate one.

In referrals, you don’t earn cash but points that can be used to buy products from the same network.

You refer to people who you know personally. Both you and the other person will receive AirBnB credits.

Both teams win!

This is an Image Showing the best Affiliate programs for AirBnB Travel Affiliate Program


Amazon Associates

When you say online buying, your first thought is Amazon.

The name has been in the online world for a long time.

Once you join their affiliate program, you choose any product and link it to your blog.

You earn money from Amazon every time your reader buys something from Amazon.

You will receive a higher percentage as you refer more readers to the site.

Join the Amazon Affiliate Program Now

WP Travel Affiliate Program

WP Travel Affiliate ProgramWP Travel is a popular WordPress travel plugin that helps to create beautiful and SEO-friendly travel and tour booking websites instantly within minutes.

WP Travel offers a flat 30% commission on each product sale made through an affiliate link with 60 days of validation for cookie expiry.

Join the WP Travel Affiliate Program and start earning by monetizing your travel platforms today.

What Now About Travel Affiliate Programs?

Making Money online is the way to go in this century.

Most of the complex tasks are now done through the use of technology.

People want to do almost everything in the comfort of their homes.

Be it:

  • Online Dating
  • Travelling
  • Shopping
  • How to play a specific instrument like a guitar
  • How to get whiter teeth
  • How to get rid of acne
  • How to shred for summer
  • How to lose belly fat
  • The Cheapest flights and discounts
  • Name them…

You See?

You can now leverage and act as a bridge by sharing your experience with the entire world.

Check out Wealthy Affiliate Now or Affiliate Secrets if you want to learn how to profit from affiliate business.

It is the model we use to Run EliteAffiliateHacks and what has made it what it is today, helping thousands online.

Conclusion on the Best Travel Affiliate Programs

If you are one of those who love to travel but also want to earn money while doing it, try to experiment and choose the perfect method that will work for you.

You will save plenty of money and your friends’ money while still travelling at the same time. That’s a win-win.

Thanks for checking the Best Travel  Affiliate Programs. If you have any experience, comments, complaints, or compliments, feel free to drop them in the comments below.

The 7-Steps to Become a successful Super Affiliate

FREE 6-Part Video Series

The Leave Your Soul-sucking 9-5 Blueprint

How To Quit Your 9-5 Job & Achieve Financial & Time FREEDOM

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